Curriculum Vitae


PhD in Computer Science

University of Victoria
2021 - 2025
Supervisor: Dr. Sowmya Somanath

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Masters in Computer Science

University of Victoria
Transferred to PhD
Supervisor: Dr. Sowmya Somanath 

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Honours BSc in Computer Science

University of Calgary
2015 - 2021
Minor:  Visual Art and Art History
Concentration: Human-Computer Interaction
Supervisors: Dr. Ehud Sharlin
Dr. Sowmya Somanath

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Research Activities

I'm currently maintaining an active presence within the research community by having taken part in multiple research symposiums and ACM conference workshops, as well as through publications at ACM conferences.

I also seek out opportunities to remain involved through student volunteering (CHI '23) and reviewing activities (CHI, TEI, DIS, UIST, GI, and more).  

Professional Activities

I've engaged in a series of professional activities thus far in my academic career, such as acting as the Accessibility Co-chair for DIS '22, Student Volunteer Co-chair for GI'23, and as a PC member for GI '23 and GI '24. 

I also served as the co-founder and Chair of the University of Victoria's Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter for two years. With our chapter, we aimed to introduce students to different facets of digital fabrication and its potential applications both within, and outside of computer science applications. 

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